35 Stepper motor

Beautiful appearance, compact size, variety colors to choose, OEM ideal choice, can be driven by stepper motor, DC motor, etc.


Industry application

Biochemical analyzer

Support medical equipment

Motor breakdown drawing

Different colours


Tubing No. B03 B04 B06 B10 B22
Tubing ID. (wall thickness 1mm) 0.51×0.86 1.0×1.1 2.0×1.0 3.0×1.0 4.0×1.0
Tubing material PhaMed BPT PhaMed BPT PhaMed BPT PhaMed BPT PhaMed BPT
Flow rate (ml/min) 35 Stepper motor (350rpm) STB 4.55 14.88 50.05 110.27 —-
Flow rate (ml/min) 42 Stepper motor (350rpm) STA 4.55 14.88 50.05 110.27 149.23

Product Dimension Drawing (mm)